After working in London and raising a family, I studied for a BA Hons Painting with UCA. I recently completed the Newlyn School of Art year long Mentoring Programme and have a studio at the Hadleigh Old Fire Station.
Having lived beside the Estuary all of my life, my painting practice is driven by explorations of the evocative edgeland of the Essex marshes. This habitat is one that is re-creating itself from remnants of a post-industrial past; landfill and brownfield sites are slowly being consumed by nature, leaving only traces of a man made history. There is stillness in these places, disquiet, they are often unloved and barely noticed by most people. The subtlety of colour of the light reflected by the river lends the salt marshes and back waters a dark cinematic quality. This atmosphere and felt experience, of being alone but sensing an echo of past histories, adds a subtle anxiety to my experience and is translated into paint on canvas.
In the studio, I re-imagine the landscape through the manipulation of liquid pools of paint, exploiting the unique accidents, allowing forms to coalesce on the canvas and recreate the essence of place and its quality of light, atmosphere and mood. My paintings are devoid of human presence, but contain traces of human touch; they convey my affinity to this environment; a place I have known for over 50 years and one that constantly inspires.